9 Ways to stay motivated similiar with my last posted at zonetinue blog with title : how to keep your spirit on fire.
Akan saya terjemahkan gambar di atas menurut saya dan saya ulas lagi postingan saya mengenai "how to keep your spirit on fire"
Dalam gambar di atas "9 ways to stay motivated" ada beberapa point :
- Have positive thought every morning
- Stay active
- Reading book
- Playing games
- Wear good suit
- Talking to yourself
- Taking photo
- Comunicate with your friend
- Enjoy your archivment
Dalam artikel "how to keep your spirit on fire" ada beberapa point serupa :
- Bangun Pagi
- Do something different, something you never do before
- Read Qur'an
- Sing a song or listen good music
- Spend your time together with your friend
- Enjoy